Writing Machine Academy
Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Aerospace, Construction, Education and training, Electronics and IT hardware, Financial and professional services, Mechanical electrical and process engineering, Oil and gas, Power, Renewable energy, Software and computer services

Writing Machine Academy

UK registered company – number 07569246

Registered office address:

18 City Business Centre, Hyde Street, Winchester, SO23 7TA

Writing Machine Academy

Company description

Writing Machine Academy delivers business and bid writing eLearning and virtual classroom courses based on its unique Structured Writing Methodâ„¢.

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Products and services

training, virtual classroom training, english, writing, writing skills, online training, elearning, business writing, bid writing, writing training


Aerospace, Airports, Communications, Education and training, Electronics and IT hardware, Financial and professional services, Healthcare and medical, Legal services, Mechanical electrical and process engineering, Oil and gas, Railways, Software and computer services
Australia, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Norway, United Kingdom, United States

Writing Machine Academy case studies

Giving HP the skills for more effective communication

HP went out to tender to find a preferred supplier for bid writing and training services. HP was looking for an experienced supplier to provide bid writing training for its European bid teams.