Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Agriculture, horticulture and fisheries


UK registered company – number 08682360

Registered office address:

Bioelements Ltd Innovation Centre, Innovation Way, York, YO10 5DG


Company description

We offer a range of highly innovative and rich natural products for Agriculture, Horticulture, Aquaculture, among others. The aim of all of our products is stimulation (Biostimulants) of environments to improve Crop Yield or Product Performance. Pest & Disease Control and Crop or Livestock Protection.

All of our products are based on unique and exclusive combinations of Many different Strains of Favourable Bacteria and Fungi that create a highly active and sustainable surface or environment for crops and livestock’s to thrive.

The concepts behind our products, whilst not unique, are incredibly creative and actually second to none in performance.

Biostimulants are the best natural way for human beings to reinvigorate their natural habitats and environments, doing so is not just good for future generations, it’s essential, because without doing so Soil Health means future generations won’t have fields to farm. We can’t let this happen!

Products and services

Biostimulants, Bioactivators, Agribusiness, Biopesticide, Garden Supplies


Amino Acids in Garden Peas

We completed a research study with BDC (Bio Development Centre - York) using our Products to increase the amino acids in peas, the outcome was a significant improvement in the crop (Garden Peas)